Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The Final Countdown

Just as I suspected, I have been absolutely horrible about keeping the blog updated! Let's see, my last entry was on August 11th and it is now October 28th, the day before my due date :)

Just to update everyone, Baby Smith has decided to hang out for awhile longer before making her grand entrance. I am hoping that she just wants to be "fashionably late". There is still a chance she could show up on her due date, but even my doctor thinks the chances of that are slim. Brian and I joke that if she shows up on Saturday (Halloween) that she will hate us because she will be our little "Pumpkin".

I am still feeling pretty good for being at the end of the pregnancy. Get tired and a sore back if I am up trying to do too much. Trying to keep somewhat active though, we have to rehabilitate Otter's leg, so I took her for a walk around the block today. She did really well, but I was ready to sit down by the time we got back!

I have included some pictures of the nursery. I know, very pink! You would never know that I had originally intended to keep the room neutral with greens and yellows. Sure hope the ultrasound tech wasn't wrong ;)
Well, better get going. We will hopefully have good news for everyone soon!!!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Moving right along

I had my 28 week doctor's appointment today. That's right, it's doesn't seem real, but I have now moved into my third trimester (will be going to see the doctor every two weeks now). Overall I am still feeling pretty good. My feet don't fit in most of my shoes, but from what I hear, that is just part of the pregnancy package. My hands get achy alot, my doctor's has recommended that I try wearing wrist splints while I sleep and while I work if necessary. She said carpal-tunnel symptoms can be exaggerated with being pregnant. If you have any other recommendations let me know:) I recently had my glucose test for gestational diabetes and passed with flying colors. My iron level is alittle low, so I am seeing some spinach salads in my future!

Little girl's heartbeat was normal at 148. My belly is measuring at 29 cm, which is right where it is supposed to be. Even though it seems to only get bigger and bigger everyday. She is still very active. I keep telling Brian that she is going to follow in her father and Aunt Debra's soccer footsteps.

We are slowly getting the nursery ready. We are very limited on storage space in this house, so we have both been trying to reduce our own personal stuff (easier said than done). It is hard to let go of some of the stuff that our parents saved for us growing up, but I keep telling myself that we will be replacing it with new memories for our little one. We did finally get our nursery furniture ordered. With a huge thanks to Sarah on the crib!!!! Next will be painting and carpet cleaning. I have a goal to have the nursery ready by the beginning of October in case she decides to make an early appearance. And heaven knows, we have a VERY busy September lined up.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Moving along

I just got back from the Allegheny Mountains in Pennsylvania where I had to attend on-site project meetings for work. They all got a kick out of seeing a pregnant woman wearing a hard hat, safety glasses and a safety vest! Which, needless to say, they do not make in maternity sizes. This trip is likely going to be my last major travel until after the baby arrives.

I had my monthly doctor's appointment back on June 26th. The doctor said everything seems to be moving along as planned. Our little girl is an active one! I can feel her move around quite a bit more now. I am starting to think she is a morning person like her mother. She seems to enjoy doing calisthenics at about 4:00am every morning! Making it alittle difficult to fall back asleep right away.

Reality is finally setting in for Brian and I that October is really right around the corner. We are now in the process of looking for nursery furniture and other baby wares! Alittle overwhelming, but with the help of friends and family I think we will be able to make some good choices.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Seeing PINK!!!

As many of you know, Brian and I are expecting our first baby around October 27th. I have now hit the halfway point of 20 weeks. Brian came with me this morning for my 2nd trimester ultrasound. It was exciting to see how much the baby had developed since my last ultrasound done at 9 weeks. We wanted to find out the sex of the baby if possible. The baby was being modest at first and keeping their legs closed. We figured that would be our luck! But while the tech was looking at something that I certainly couldn't figure out, she pointed out that we were pregnant with a little girl!!!! This was definately to my suprise since I thought I would have a boy all along. The chinese lunar calendar was wrong on this one... All seems well with the little one. The tech said she is the right size for this stage, weighing in around 14 ounces with an average heartbeat of 153. Now we are just hoping all continues to go well over the next 20 weeks, as I continue to grow bigger, and we can all welcome the newest "Daddy's girl" around Halloween!

Here we go!

I promised that I would start a blog to keep everyone informed throughout our long awaited pregnancy and beyond. Unfortunately, I cannot make any guarantees on how regularly I keep the blog updated. With working on a computer all week long, hopping on one at night or over the weekend is not normally one of my first choices. But I will try my best! Plus I need to get some pointers from the girls for how the make my blog better. Anyway, I hope you enjoy!