Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Seeing PINK!!!

As many of you know, Brian and I are expecting our first baby around October 27th. I have now hit the halfway point of 20 weeks. Brian came with me this morning for my 2nd trimester ultrasound. It was exciting to see how much the baby had developed since my last ultrasound done at 9 weeks. We wanted to find out the sex of the baby if possible. The baby was being modest at first and keeping their legs closed. We figured that would be our luck! But while the tech was looking at something that I certainly couldn't figure out, she pointed out that we were pregnant with a little girl!!!! This was definately to my suprise since I thought I would have a boy all along. The chinese lunar calendar was wrong on this one... All seems well with the little one. The tech said she is the right size for this stage, weighing in around 14 ounces with an average heartbeat of 153. Now we are just hoping all continues to go well over the next 20 weeks, as I continue to grow bigger, and we can all welcome the newest "Daddy's girl" around Halloween!


  1. YAY!!!!!!! How exciting for you guys! We need to see you soon considering we haven't seen you since you got pregnant! I am so happy for you guys and excited there will be another girl in the group. :)

  2. I am so excited for you!!! And Our prediction may be right thatI will have a softball player and you the dancer! : )
